Program to calculate the grades of the students

Program to calculate the grade of the student
According to the specified marks.

Int main ( )
clrscr ( );
Int marks;
printf ("enter your marks?");
scanf ("%d",&marks);
If (marks >90 && marks <=100)
printf ("congratulations you got grade A");
else if (marks >80 && marks <=90)
printf ("you got grade B");
else if (marks >70 && marks <=80)
printf ("you got grade C");
else if (marks >33 && marks <=70)
printf ("you are pass in your class");
printf ("you are fail in your class");
getch ( );

Enter your marks:. 90
Congratulations you are first in your class
Enter your marks. 60
You are pass in your class
Enter your marks.. 30
You are fail in your class

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