Operators Expressions and Type Conversions



In C programming language, operators are symbols that are used to perform various operations on variables and values.

There are several types of operators in C, including:

  1. Arithmetic operators: These operators are used to perform mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and modulus. The arithmetic operators in C include the plus sign (+), minus sign (-), asterisk (*) for multiplication, forward slash (/) for division, and percent sign (%) for modulus.
  2. Relational operators: These operators are used to compare two values and return a boolean value (true or false) depending on the result. The relational operators in C include the equal sign (==), not equal sign (!=), greater than sign (>), less than sign (<), greater than or equal to sign (>=), and less than or equal to sign (<=).
  3. Logical operators: These operators are used to perform logical operations such as AND, OR, and NOT. The logical operators in C include the AND operator (&&), the OR operator (||), and the NOT operator (!).
  4. Assignment operators: These operators are used to assign a value to a variable. The assignment operator in C is the equal sign (=), and there are also compound assignment operators such as the plus-equal sign (+=) and the minus-equal sign (-=).
  5. Bitwise operators: These operators are used to perform bitwise operations on binary numbers. The bitwise operators in C include the AND operator (&), the OR operator (|), the XOR operator (^), the left-shift operator (<<), and the right-shift operator (>>).

Understanding operators is a fundamental concept in C programming, and they are essential for performing operations on data and creating complex programs.


In C programming language, an expression is a combination of one or more operators, variables, constants, and function calls that evaluate to a value.

Expressions in C can be simple or complex and can include arithmetic, relational, logical, and bitwise operators. Some examples of expressions in C are:

  1. Simple arithmetic expression: a + b
  2. Complex arithmetic expression: 5 * (a + b) / c
  3. Relational expression: a > b
  4. Logical expression: x && y
  5. Bitwise expression: a | b
  6. Function call expression: printf("Hello, world!");

Expressions in C can be used in various contexts such as assignment statements, if-else statements, loops, and function calls. For example, an expression can be assigned to a variable:

int result;
result = a + b;
Expressions can also be used in if-else statements:
if (a > b) {
    printf("a is greater than b");
} else {
    printf("b is greater than a");
In summary, expressions in C are a fundamental concept and are used extensively in C programming for performing calculations, making decisions, and controlling the flow of the program.

Arithmetic operators in C are used to perform mathematical calculations on numeric values. These operators include the plus sign (+), minus sign (-), asterisk (*) for multiplication, forward slash (/) for division, and percent sign (%) for modulus. Here's an example of how arithmetic operators can be used in C:


int main() {
   int a = 10;
   int b = 20;
   int c;

   c = a + b;  // addition
   printf("a + b = %d\n", c);

   c = a - b;  // subtraction
   printf("a - b = %d\n", c);

   c = a * b;  // multiplication
   printf("a * b = %d\n", c);

   c = b / a;  // division
   printf("b / a = %d\n", c);

   c = b % a;  // modulus
   printf("b %% a = %d\n", c);
   return 0;
In this example, we have declared three integer variables 'a', 'b', and 'c'. We then perform arithmetic operations on these variables using the arithmetic operators and assign the results to the variable 'c'. Finally, we print the results using the printf function. When we run this program, we get the following output:
a + b = 30
a - b = -10
a * b = 200
b / a = 2
b % a = 0
This demonstrates the use of arithmetic operators in C to perform basic mathematical calculations.

Point at a glance of operators in C

Here are the main points at a glance about operators in C:
  • Operators are symbols that are used to perform various operations on variables and values.
  • C programming language supports various types of operators such as arithmetic, relational, logical, assignment, and bitwise operators.
  • Arithmetic operators in C include the plus sign (+), minus sign (-), asterisk (*) for multiplication, forward slash (/) for division, and percent sign (%) for modulus.
  • Relational operators in C compare two values and return a boolean value (true or false) depending on the result. They include the equal sign (==), not equal sign (!=), greater than sign (>), less than sign (<), greater than or equal to sign (>=), and less than or equal to sign (<=).
  • Logical operators in C perform logical operations such as AND, OR, and NOT. They include the AND operator (&&), the OR operator (||), and the NOT operator (!).
  • Assignment operators in C are used to assign a value to a variable. The assignment operator in C is the equal sign (=), and there are also compound assignment operators such as the plus-equal sign (+=) and the minus-equal sign (-=).
  • Bitwise operators in C perform bitwise operations on binary numbers. They include the AND operator (&), the OR operator (|), the XOR operator (^), the left-shift operator (<<), and the right-shift operator (>>).
  • Expressions in C are a combination of one or more operators, variables, constants, and function calls that evaluate to a value.
  • Expressions can be simple or complex and can include arithmetic, relational, logical, and bitwise operators.
  • Understanding operators is a fundamental concept in C programming, and they are essential for performing operations on data and creating complex programs.

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