Know wifi password in 20 sec. crack your wifi password.


Know wifi password in 20 sec.

If you want to know the password of WiFi from any computer, then first of all you have to remember these steps:

1. First open the command prompt inside the computer as an administrators

2. Then feel the code given in it

    code:  netsh wlan show profile .

3.You will see that on your screen all those networks will be shown to which that computer is connected, or will ever be connected.

4.Now you have to fill another code and your password will be shown in the content

    code: netsh wlan show profile name="device name" key =clear

what is netsh wlan ?

"Netsh wlan" is a CMD command used in Windows operating systems to manage wireless network connections. "Netsh" is a command-line scripting utility that allows you to display or modify network settings, including wireless network settings. "Wlan" refers to wireless local area network, which includes Wi-Fi networks.

When you use the "netsh wlan" command in CMD, you can perform various tasks related to wireless network connections, such as:

  1. Viewing the list of available wireless networks and their properties.
  2. Connecting to a wireless network and configuring its settings.
  3. Disconnecting from a wireless network.
  4. Exporting or importing wireless network profiles.
  5. Showing the details of the wireless network adapter and its configuration.

Overall, the "netsh wlan" command provides a powerful tool for managing wireless network connections in Windows, and can be especially useful when troubleshooting wireless network issues

There are many CMD (Command Prompt) codes available in a computer, and their functionality may vary based on the operating system you are using. Here are some of the common CMD commands:

  1. cd: Used to change the current directory in which the CMD prompt is currently working.
  2. dir: Used to display a list of files and folders in the current directory.
  3. cls: Used to clear the CMD prompt screen.
  4. md: Used to create a new directory.
  5. rd: Used to remove or delete a directory.
  6. type: Used to display the contents of a file.
  7. copy: Used to copy a file from one location to another.
  8. del: Used to delete a file.
  9. ren: Used to rename a file.
  10. tasklist: Used to display a list of currently running processes.

These are just a few examples of CMD commands. There are many more available, each with its own unique functionality. To see a full list of CMD commands available in your operating system, you can type "help" in the CMD prompt, or you can search for a list online.


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