All syntax used in C


All syntax we use in c programming is here you can see the list. 

#include<stdio.h>  in this statement includes stdio is standard input and output library function . The printf ( ) function is also defined with this . And h syntax we used in this statement is a header file.

#include<conio.h> in this statement include conio is console input and output library function.

int main ( )  the main ( ) function is the entry point of every program in C language. and also it will change like void main( ) , int main( ) . 

clrscr ( );  this statement called clear screen and it used for clearing screen.

Printf( ); the printf ( ) function is used to print data on the console. The syntax of printf ( ) function is given below:

Printf ("format string", argument_list);

The format string can be %d ( integer ) , %c ( character) , %s ( string ) , %f (float ) etc.

scanf( ); this statement is used for scanning the integers . This function is used for reads the input data from the console.

scanf("format string", argument_list);

getch ( ); it is used for holding the programe .

                       Some keywords:

\n >>>  it used for choosing next line .if 
You want to write anything to next line
You used this command...

/t >>> it used for writing anything to horizontal

float  :>>> we used float in our program for using a point values like 0.2,0.5 and it format string is ( %f )
It used in scanf and printf ......

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