Hey you want to learn C programming language. Before starting to learn C language you need to learn how to write, compile, and run the first C program. So we make a program for print anything on screen like we want to print hello world ....
To write the first C program open your Turbo c++ software and select file option then open a new page and write a following code.
- #include<stdio.h>
- #include<conio.h>
- void main ( )
- {
- clrscr( );
- printf ("hello world");
- getch( );
- }
hello world
As you can see output is your hello world and that's it .you can successfully to print hello world. Here you can print anything like your name, adress,etc. 🤔🤔🤔. 👇👇👇
If you don't understand clearly so watch'this video